Decision formation in parietal cortex transcends a fixed frame of reference
Multiple decisions about one object involve parallel sensory acquisition but time-multiplexed evidence incorporation
Sequential sampling from memory underlies action selection during abstract decision making
Flexible neural control of motor units
Low-dimensional dynamics for working memory and time encoding
Differentiating between integration and non-integration strategies in perceptual decision making
Context-Dependent Decision Making in a Premotor Circuit
What is cognition?
The hippocampus supports deliberation during value-based decisions
Bridging Neural and Computational Viewpoints on Perceptual Decision-Making
Counterfactual reasoning underlies the learning of priors in decision making.
Focal optogenetic suppression in macaque area MT biases direction discrimination and choice confidence, but only transiently.
Comparison of decision-related signals in sensory and motor preparatory responses of neurons in Area LIP.
Piercing of Consciousness as a Threshold-Crossing Operation
Confidence Is the Bridge between Multi-stage Decisions
The influence of evidence volatility on choice, reaction time and confidence in a perceptual decision.
Decision Making and Sequential Sampling from Memory
A common mechanism underlies changes of mind about decisions and confidence
A Neural Mechanism for Sensing and Reproducing a Time Interval
Time in Cortical Circuits
Representation of accumulating evidence for a decision in two parietal areas
A neural implementation of Wald's sequential probability ratio test
Choice certainty is informed by both evidence and decision time
Effects of cortical microstimulation on confidence in a perceptual decision
A neural mechanism of speed-accuracy tradeoff in macaque area LIP
Predicting the Accuracy of a Decision: A Neural Mechanism of Confidence
Motor effort alters changes of mind in sensorimotor decision making
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